Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Great Depression

The Great Depression had numerous causes but we discussed a few major ones. The four major explanations are the Keynesian, Internationalist, Monetarist and the mal-distribution of income. So, in this post, I would like you evaluate at least two of the explanations using specific historical detail. Make sure to point out both the value of the explanation as well as its limitations using specific historical detail. Remember to build of the comments before you by adding something new to the thread.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Woodrow Wilson

To what extent was Woodrow Wilson's actions dealing with entry into WWI and negotiating the treaty of Versialles consistent with his actions in the Western Hemisphere? (USe specific details to support your ideas.)

Make sure to build of the ideas prior to your post and reference which idea you are responding to so thread builds on ideas rather than just restating them.